Responsive Image Shortcodes
you can add images to be as simple or complex as you like
[spacer height=”20″ mobile_hide=”true”]
[raw][pre] [/pre][/raw]
[spacer height=”40″ mobile_hide=”true”]
[spacer height=”20″ mobile_hide=”true”]
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[spacer height=”40″ mobile_hide=”true”]
[spacer height=”20″ mobile_hide=”true”]
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[spacer height=”40″ mobile_hide=”true”]
[spacer height=”10″]
[spacer height=”10″]
[spacer height=”10″]
[spacer height=”20″ mobile_hide=”true”]
[raw][pre] [/pre][/raw]
[spacer height=”40″ mobile_hide=”true”]
[spacer height=”20″ mobile_hide=”true”]
[raw][pre] [/pre][/raw]
9 Shadow Options
you can choose from 9 modern web shadows
[outerOneThird]Optional Image Frames
set your inner & outer border color & opacity from admin panel
[outerOneThird]10 Available Icon Hover Animations
if your image is linking to something why not let your visitor’s know
[outerOneThird]Lightbox Options
add photo, vimeo, youtube, or i-frame lightboxes to your image shortcodes